2009年9月23日 星期三

Shopping Trip: Abercrombie service=dumb blond men, Bose music system=imagitive luxury

I went to Valley Fair (San Jose) yesterday for two things: 1)To ask about a sweater I really want which is sold out both online & store. 2)Help my mom to buy a house warming present for her friend.

1st stop: Abercrombie

I was complaining the other day to my friend how nothing I wanted is in store, so my friend suggested me to ask the MANAGER to contact the other store to see if they have it. DOESNT seem like a unreasonable request right? So I walked into A&F, its a tues afternoon so it took me forever to find someone in an empty, darm, and loud music store. After I exaplined the situation, the employee quickly asked for the MANAGER. The manager gave me a puzzled look like "why the hell are you so desperate for a sweater" (which even if I am, its non of his fucking business) and said he can check the other store for me, and went to the back. 10 mintues later, the manager walked out of the backroom and saw me standing there. He paused for a moment and was like "Oh right!" and went into the back again. APPARENTLY HE FORGOT. So after 5 mintues he got the number. He started calling. And I guess the other manager @ El Camino is his friend or something, he started CHATTING for 5 mintues before he started asking about the sweater. After like a minute he was like "oh they dont have it." and CHATTED for another 5 mintues. so when he hung up the phone I was like "isn't any way you can check the OTHER stores for inventory?" he was like "hmm I dunno how to...I dont have any other numbers beside El camino...You can also call 411 and ask" WTF, why would I need to come all the way down here if I can just call 411 and figure out the number myself? And he continudes "Or i can call for you, just might take a while...yea" AND HE LEFT AGAIN.

Fuck A&F and its dumb blond manager. oh well I guess i will still buy their clothes.

2nd stop: Bose

My mom's friend really wanted a Bose sound system (no idea why, she saw my mom bought one and really wanted one too). So now my mom ordered me to go buy one and install one @ her house. Its my first time actually, everything is SO expensive. Example? Well this is what my mom tell me to bought: Bose Sound Wave System. It has ONE CD changer, Mp3 playabe, FM/AM and Alarm. This kind of basic features on a radio now a day if its $100USD would already being pretty good. Guess what? its $499USD! When I saw it I was like holy shit!
With my baby face and all, no one come to serve me. Basically in this store only old electronic dummbie would get excellent service. However they have no idea I am already a destine buyer. So finally an employee with no smile came by and help me. I thought just simply saying "I am going to buy it" seems to easy for him. So I ask the most simple question: "What is the spec for this music system?" He said the below sentence with a proud attitude:
" In bose we do not show those frequency number. Thats for the technicians. We want our customer to be able to enjoy the true beauty and class of our system."
I seriously paused for a moment, and could not believe the next thing I say was "okey I am buying it."
I guess he would use my case as a sucuessful sales example and teach other employee to use that sentence.

1 則留言:

  1. That's funny XD!....

    U got bad luck on that day :D....
