2009年9月20日 星期日

Movie: The Wrestler: Lonley famousED

The movie, The Wrestler, describe how an old wrestling superstar still trying to seek for love in his life. Its kind of sad, actually, that a guy had all the fame and attention in his peak of life, and in his later stage he has nothing. However the guy never gives up, still trying to seek love from a old strippers, lesbian daughter he ditched million years ago and local unpopular wrestling stadium . I have to say the plot touched me a bit. The guy never wants give up on all three of his love: family, career, and lover. However in the end, he ended up dying.

It got me wonder what should we invest in our life. When we graduate and became working individuals, our career basically defines who we are. "This is Chris grduated X college, now he is working for Y company, he has made Z happened for the company." Yet will X, Y, Z come to the hospital to see you when had an emergency? Lovers. Yea, all the flirting, attention, sex is fun. Yet how long does it last? Are we able to be like old stripper still pretending we are 20 years old gripping that medal pole and shake our ass? Family. They grow old, have their own life, and you have to let go.

Sad. stuff you invest to will always leave you.

