2009年5月26日 星期二

Learning how to BREATHE

My mom has cancer. And like any other cancer patient in the world, she despites chemotherapy. According to her "believe", chemotherapy is something devil has created to torture each cancer patient. So she activity seeks for other type of cancer treatment. And "Learning how to Breathe" is one of method she has found.

So I got shipped on a no-name mountain 7am in the morning. A Indian wanna be Taiwanese welcome us with a big warm open arm. She seems so happy, hug each of us like a long lost child that she finally found. My mind was thinking "You earn NT8000 (US 250)/each for three short days, if I were you I would kiss every one of us for these easy money"

There are 7 other old ladies also participating this Breathing program. Apparently a really famous old Taiwanese music artist (蔡琴) was one of her student. The Breathing prgram is pass one by this old Indian guy name....Sirus Sirus something. And I swear to god I am not lying, the long curcly hair, loose white drope, the medium long messy hair...without that dot in his middle of forehead, he is just the copycat of Jusus Christ.

The breathing course also combined with various types of stress-relieve steps, and discussion. So at the start, the indian wannabe lady asked each us to stand up, "Hug" each one of us and say "I know you can do it! I believe in you! and I belong to you". Just a reminder my whole family went; which include my dad, and my brother. And the rest of group members consist of 7 other old ladies who are over 50. If you think me hugging 7 other 50 years old ladies are funny, you should see my dad. He tried so hard to hug each of them lightly by saying "nice to meet you" with polite shiness. However these ladies are really into the program. Hug my dad tightly with their big forearm and passionately said "I belong--- to you. I know you can do it! I have faith in you!"

I was laughing my ass off.

So here's what I have learned with 250 dollars on how to breathe:
1) Everyone should breathe through your throat. SLOWLY, and breathe out. If you heard yourself made a snoring voice, then you have learned the essesence of breathing.
2) Try this. Each breathe you take, make it "UMM...." voice. According to Sirus Sirus, you will be able to find your inner piece after two hours.

Conclution: It was suppose to be 3 days prgroam but I ditched rest. My bro came back on the 2nd day and told me the Indian wannabe woman angrily told everyone that he no longer welcomes me and my dad.

1 則留言:

  1. 所以
    不景氣時教怎麼呼吸就能賺錢了 :D
