2009年5月5日 星期二

First "All Male Choir"

First "All Male Choir" experience in my life.
I did not spend money to experience this. I guess all male choir were never in trend in the musical market. And of course they have hard time selling tickets. So they came to my family's church; where everyone is lovely and nice IF you support our god in some way (for them, adding an Ave Maria in their course is good enough)

My dad bought NT13,000 worth of tickets (approximately 4o0 dollars), so thats how I went. Families and friends gave us a puzzle look when we are trying to give them those tickets. Because its like junk present; you can't throw them away, because they spend good money on it. And the worst part is that this junk present required you to actually go to a place and require your 2 hours of attention.

I have to say it entertained me for like 20 minutes ( and the Ave Maria song of course) I never knew choir require so much facial expression. Everyone on the stage seems like they are VERY into the music. Some are so exaggerated that they added hand gesture and some leg movement. Its cute, i guess.

Conclusion: Not my thing. I don't know if its too feminum (wtf would bunch of guys sing a song called "what's wrong with my feeling?"), or I just don't like stiff choir period. Overall I would not attened another all male choir again.

1 則留言:

  1. hey, i really like your blog, just hoping you could follow me as well? no pressure or anything haha, just trying to build a following. have a great day!
