2009年9月25日 星期五

An Ad agency asked for copywriting review sample. I thought I could redo my poster I made when i was in Peking University. So here it is; three hours of work.


2009年9月24日 星期四

Face change

I came across this webpage during work

The site is about Transfering your face into different age, race, and whatever.
So I thought I gave it a try.
Here's what I looked like when I am a baby:

That is one ugly babay. If my baby smile like that I would throw him into orphanage fater then Benjimen Button.

Here's what I would look like if I am white:

Not too bad. Maybe I should put that on my ID. LOL.

Heres what I would look like if I am a manga character: Mm. I looked like sailor moon gone drag.

Heres what I would look like if i was born before B.C:

I would of be a fine ass monkey.

2009年9月23日 星期三

Shopping Trip: Abercrombie service=dumb blond men, Bose music system=imagitive luxury

I went to Valley Fair (San Jose) yesterday for two things: 1)To ask about a sweater I really want which is sold out both online & store. 2)Help my mom to buy a house warming present for her friend.

1st stop: Abercrombie

I was complaining the other day to my friend how nothing I wanted is in store, so my friend suggested me to ask the MANAGER to contact the other store to see if they have it. DOESNT seem like a unreasonable request right? So I walked into A&F, its a tues afternoon so it took me forever to find someone in an empty, darm, and loud music store. After I exaplined the situation, the employee quickly asked for the MANAGER. The manager gave me a puzzled look like "why the hell are you so desperate for a sweater" (which even if I am, its non of his fucking business) and said he can check the other store for me, and went to the back. 10 mintues later, the manager walked out of the backroom and saw me standing there. He paused for a moment and was like "Oh right!" and went into the back again. APPARENTLY HE FORGOT. So after 5 mintues he got the number. He started calling. And I guess the other manager @ El Camino is his friend or something, he started CHATTING for 5 mintues before he started asking about the sweater. After like a minute he was like "oh they dont have it." and CHATTED for another 5 mintues. so when he hung up the phone I was like "isn't any way you can check the OTHER stores for inventory?" he was like "hmm I dunno how to...I dont have any other numbers beside El camino...You can also call 411 and ask" WTF, why would I need to come all the way down here if I can just call 411 and figure out the number myself? And he continudes "Or i can call for you, just might take a while...yea" AND HE LEFT AGAIN.

Fuck A&F and its dumb blond manager. oh well I guess i will still buy their clothes.

2nd stop: Bose

My mom's friend really wanted a Bose sound system (no idea why, she saw my mom bought one and really wanted one too). So now my mom ordered me to go buy one and install one @ her house. Its my first time actually, everything is SO expensive. Example? Well this is what my mom tell me to bought: Bose Sound Wave System. It has ONE CD changer, Mp3 playabe, FM/AM and Alarm. This kind of basic features on a radio now a day if its $100USD would already being pretty good. Guess what? its $499USD! When I saw it I was like holy shit!
With my baby face and all, no one come to serve me. Basically in this store only old electronic dummbie would get excellent service. However they have no idea I am already a destine buyer. So finally an employee with no smile came by and help me. I thought just simply saying "I am going to buy it" seems to easy for him. So I ask the most simple question: "What is the spec for this music system?" He said the below sentence with a proud attitude:
" In bose we do not show those frequency number. Thats for the technicians. We want our customer to be able to enjoy the true beauty and class of our system."
I seriously paused for a moment, and could not believe the next thing I say was "okey I am buying it."
I guess he would use my case as a sucuessful sales example and teach other employee to use that sentence.

2009年9月21日 星期一

Hardcore dieting hajimaru. Not just the girly diet, but serious cut back on my carbs and sugar intake. Not going back to my junior high look again. (for those of you don't know, I used to have long hair, 185 pounds, pure fat)

Now I am 172 pounds, 14% fat. need to cut down to 10%.

Goodbye yougurt and ice cream. I will miss you guys.

2009年9月20日 星期日

Movie: The Wrestler: Lonley famousED

The movie, The Wrestler, describe how an old wrestling superstar still trying to seek for love in his life. Its kind of sad, actually, that a guy had all the fame and attention in his peak of life, and in his later stage he has nothing. However the guy never gives up, still trying to seek love from a old strippers, lesbian daughter he ditched million years ago and local unpopular wrestling stadium . I have to say the plot touched me a bit. The guy never wants give up on all three of his love: family, career, and lover. However in the end, he ended up dying.

It got me wonder what should we invest in our life. When we graduate and became working individuals, our career basically defines who we are. "This is Chris grduated X college, now he is working for Y company, he has made Z happened for the company." Yet will X, Y, Z come to the hospital to see you when had an emergency? Lovers. Yea, all the flirting, attention, sex is fun. Yet how long does it last? Are we able to be like old stripper still pretending we are 20 years old gripping that medal pole and shake our ass? Family. They grow old, have their own life, and you have to let go.

Sad. stuff you invest to will always leave you.

2009年5月26日 星期二

Learning how to BREATHE

My mom has cancer. And like any other cancer patient in the world, she despites chemotherapy. According to her "believe", chemotherapy is something devil has created to torture each cancer patient. So she activity seeks for other type of cancer treatment. And "Learning how to Breathe" is one of method she has found.

So I got shipped on a no-name mountain 7am in the morning. A Indian wanna be Taiwanese welcome us with a big warm open arm. She seems so happy, hug each of us like a long lost child that she finally found. My mind was thinking "You earn NT8000 (US 250)/each for three short days, if I were you I would kiss every one of us for these easy money"

There are 7 other old ladies also participating this Breathing program. Apparently a really famous old Taiwanese music artist (蔡琴) was one of her student. The Breathing prgram is pass one by this old Indian guy name....Sirus Sirus something. And I swear to god I am not lying, the long curcly hair, loose white drope, the medium long messy hair...without that dot in his middle of forehead, he is just the copycat of Jusus Christ.

The breathing course also combined with various types of stress-relieve steps, and discussion. So at the start, the indian wannabe lady asked each us to stand up, "Hug" each one of us and say "I know you can do it! I believe in you! and I belong to you". Just a reminder my whole family went; which include my dad, and my brother. And the rest of group members consist of 7 other old ladies who are over 50. If you think me hugging 7 other 50 years old ladies are funny, you should see my dad. He tried so hard to hug each of them lightly by saying "nice to meet you" with polite shiness. However these ladies are really into the program. Hug my dad tightly with their big forearm and passionately said "I belong--- to you. I know you can do it! I have faith in you!"

I was laughing my ass off.

So here's what I have learned with 250 dollars on how to breathe:
1) Everyone should breathe through your throat. SLOWLY, and breathe out. If you heard yourself made a snoring voice, then you have learned the essesence of breathing.
2) Try this. Each breathe you take, make it "UMM...." voice. According to Sirus Sirus, you will be able to find your inner piece after two hours.

Conclution: It was suppose to be 3 days prgroam but I ditched rest. My bro came back on the 2nd day and told me the Indian wannabe woman angrily told everyone that he no longer welcomes me and my dad.

2009年5月18日 星期一

Taiwanese version of Russian Dulls 山寨版的俄羅斯娃娃

I saw this on the news today, its just too funny. There's a scene spot in Taipei, Taiwan called Jiu-Fen (九份). There is this craft shop in the shopping street sells these "affordable" cute Taiwanese made Russian dulls. (NT180=6 dollars) Lets take a look at them.

First Doll:
Not Bad. It got its pretty eyes and glitter body. However this is where the scam starts. Why? Wait until you see the 2nd doll.

I think a 10 year old would be able to draw this out. Looks like its wearing a shower cap. You can still call it cute, but it should be free on the side of street instead of selling it for money. Lets see the third doll.

They don't bother spend any time on drawing the eyes no more. The shower cap is gone, it has white hair now. Apparently drawing two dots is good enough. This piece of shit looks like its being done by a 3 years old. But wait its not over...

This is just fucking ugly. It looks more like a ghost instead of a doll. And last but not least..

The last piece of shit...made my day. I could not stop laughing when I saw it on the news.

It's kind of embarrassing for Taiwanese craft shop to even produce these scam Taiwanese Russian dulls. Russian dulls are decoration. No matter how cheap they are, they need to be able to be displayed on a counter or shelf. Except for the 1st one (the one they really did spend good amount of times on so that the customer would think every dulls inside are also as nice), I don't think anyone would display the rest of the ugly dulls in their home. Maybe someone should teach them what "Russian dolls" mean. They are ALL suppose to be delicate, NOT JUST THE 1st ONE.

The story is not over. So the news reporter actually went to the shop location and asked the owner about these inside ugly dulls.

(Can you please explain why the little Russian dulls craftsmanship is so different from the largest one?)

(Actually, the price that we are selling for is only for the largest dull. All the other dulls that are inside are consider as complimentary.)